Tuesday, December 22, 2015


How digital coupons attract the ultra-mobile, millennial customer

When most people think about coupons, they likely envision a housewife using her scissors to clip along the dotted line. This was a very common scenario in the 1980s when shoppers would pore through the Sunday papers and weekly store circulars to find the best deals for the upcoming week. However, that scene has radically changed over the years with the rise of new technologies.

Now, people often read their news online instead of in a newspaper and more consumers are connected almost constantly through their mobile phones. While the medium may have changed, one thing remains the same: people are still looking for ways to save money.

The act of clipping printed coupons may be passé, but the use of digital coupons is exploding.
In fact, more than 31 billion digital coupons will be redeemed this year, almost double the 16 billion redeemed in 2014, according to Juniper Research.
Digital coupon use is fueled by the prevalence of smartphones, which is changing the way people receive information and interact with businesses in a very profound manner.

According to Pew Research, two-thirds of the United States population now owns a smartphone and the devices are so prominent in our lives that U.S. consumers spend more time on their smartphones each day than they do watching television.

Our connected and highly mobile world means consumers are accustomed to getting what they want, when they want it. And shopping is part of this in-the-moment paradigm, as 96 percent of mobile users search for digital coupons to find deals when they go shopping, according to a Mobile Commerce Daily report.

Today, more consumers are seeking digital coupons because they can be found on a phone at the right moment – when consumers are shopping in the area – making them far more convenient to use than paper coupons.

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